The Court cards of Tarot represent people. .. aspects of yourself or others who may be influencing situations. Their personalities are based on the suit they inhabit. We are a mix of all, however the traits of the suit can specify the attributes that we see in another, ourselves, or offer advice on traits/ attitudes we should adopt in certain situations.
Cups: water: female, passive, receptive, nurturing . Emotions. Embody: Heart, love, feelings, imagination, intuition, connection.
The cups of Tarot are the FEEL-ers. They are the emotions, imagination (dreams that will make you happy) , relationships, hearts desire, and intuition
The cups as feelings are those that come from the heart: love, happiness, gentleness, beauty, kindness, empathy, hope, faith, trust, joy, sadness, grief, loss, distrust, moodiness. intuition. The cups are our emotions, how we feel about people or situations.
Now it is time to take what we know about the cups and incorporate it in how we feel cups people would be.
The cups are the FEEL-ers, so we can assume they are an emotional sort overall. Matters that affect the heart would be their number one priority. They are so in touch with their own feelings that they also try to ensure that others, especially those they love, are also happy. They may have a “love conquers all” type air about them. Emotional fulfillment of self and others is most important.
They like beauty in all its forms and their visions of beauty may even guide them to create it through art, works of poetry, or in beautifying their surroundings. They are the dreamers, who have a vision of how they think life should be and strive to make It their reality. These are the people who look to the sky in wonder of a magical sunset, or overall see simple beauty in things that others may take for granted. They have a calming, gentle sense about them that lets people know they sincerely will listen to any problems they need to get off their chests. This connection they seem to have can sometimes have people opening up to them with no apparent idea of why they feel so free to do so.
They are connected and receptive, which in turn makes them very intuitive. These people will be the first to notice if something is different, or “off” about something or someone. They will FEEL it. This is what makes them a trusted, listening friend, however, they will want to keep peace and try to restore harmonious feelings, so may be inclined at times to try to point out any positives, or tell you it will be ok. Their connection to their own feelings is what makes them compassionate and empathetic. They can very literally take on the emotions of others and feel them as their own.
Sometimes they can live too much in their own imagination, letting their dreams overtake what is real and practical. An overriding need for peace, harmony and emotional happiness may at times lead to trying to keep everyone else happy in the form of doing too much… as they can at times try to take care of everything and everyone to the point of becoming a bit smothering to those they love. They may come across as being too sensitive - becoming hurt by a careless comment that is possibly taken too personal. They may seem shy and not put themselves “out there”. In the extreme, they may become emotionally manipulative, as their connection to others allows them to know what will “pull at the heart strings”.
Overall, I think the cups family are kind, gentle people who experience love and beauty very deeply. They are happiest themselves, when those they feel a connection too are also happy. They are the dreamers who can use their imaginations to see beauty in everything. They may not be as exciting as the wands family, however, Their feelings are sincere and in them, you will have a true friend. On the downside, they may come across as too sensitive or seem to get hurt easily by taking things too personal. The need to see everyone else happy, may at times be to the cost of themselves or they may try to take care of others to the point of being a bit smothering. As dreamers, they may at times seem to get lost in their own imaginations and lose sight of the practical side of things.
The pages would be the immature aspects, the children, or young hearted aspects. They would be the innocent dreamers, who are envisioning the rest of their lives. The knights, though not fully matured would start acting on their desires. The queens and kings are the fully matured aspects who have learned through experience how to listen to their emotions, what love and happiness are all about, and can incorporate their feelings in a balanced manner.
I would think that cups people would make true friends. Their social circle would not be as wide as a wands individual as they prefer closer bonds. In relationships, the love given would be true with a connection based on all that love entails: Love, respect, trust, gentleness and kindness. These people would love hard and be considerate of your feelings as well. They might just open your eyes to the natural beauty of the world around. Those they love are their world wrapped up in one complete package and most important above anything else. They would encourage you to follow your dreams be happy for your success as though they were their own. As age occurs, they will still value happiness and kindness. They will be the spouse who brings you flowers for no reason, just to see you smile. The ones who will have a grandkid on each knee listening and encouraging those same kids to follow their hearts desire.
Keeping in mind the negative attributes, these people can at times seem to be too sensitive. They may get so wrapped up in their own ideals that they can overstep boundaries. It is possible for them to try to keep everyone else happy that they actually do too much for others, to their own detriment. “Rose tinted glasses” is used to describe this suit, as they may get so lost in their dreams that they forget the practical side of life, or think that “love conquers all” to the point of allowing themselves to be used, or not seeing the reality of a situation. These people, since they run on emotion, can also become moody as they assume that everyone will do as they do. When they are displeased, even though they are great listeners to others, they might not voice their own needs and instead lash out in an emotional manner.
**Helpful hints
Water signs: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. General attributes: A true friend. Kind, gentle, mild mannered, empathetic, imaginative, intuitive, usually positive in nature as they try to see the upside, optimistic, Dreamy, a good listener. MAY at times, seem oversensitive or moody. May come across as a day dreamer or someone who tries to make you feel better even if its not the most practical outlook. May see things through “rose colored glasses.”, seem shy or passive.
The page is the earth element or foundation: discovering love or passion, a dream
The knight is fire: acting on these emotions, following your heart
The queen is the water element: emotion: the love or care put into your love or passion
The King is the air element and full expression of the suit: the accomplishment or completion of your love or passion.
Lets break it down even farther. Read on for a more in depth look at the Cups court cards, or click here for

Page of Cups
The pages are the messengers of tarot. In this page is the foundation of dreams, love, and happiness. The attitude of a kid at heart: a kind, light hearted, loving person.
The page of cups is the immature aspect of the suit. The Earth element, or the foundation to build upon.
The Dreamer. A young, or young at heart person who is kind, polite and sweet to others. If describing a youngster, This is the child with the active imagination, the one who will make beautiful works of art that you proudly display on your refrigerator. They will look in aww at things around them and be the first one to pick you a dandelion out of the yard and offer it as a sincere, sweet gift. They will like to make friends, but can get upset fairly easily if someone hurts their feelings. While the wands child would get a bit miffed or possibly “do it anyway” when told no by a parent, the cups child will probably get upset and possibly turn to tears in a display that is sure to pull on your old heart strings!!
Page of Cups: The kid at heart: message of an emotional nature, innocent love, the idea for a dream, discovering love or a passion, A heartfelt idea, open your heart, young love, inner child. A kind, lighthearted, loving person.
- The page of cups is a message of an emotional nature. This is usually positive in nature and may make your heart swell
- The page of cups is discovering emotional fulfillment, discovering love or your dreams.
- Attitude: A kid at heart: child like wonder, lighthearted, sweet, sincere. May have a childlike idealism, or get feelings hurt easily. Sensitive.
General: A message may be received that makes your heart smile. This may be a sweet message from another, or a lighthearted feeling that touches your heart from hearing or seeing something in those around you that makes you say “awwww”. There is an air of of light heartedness that accompanies these feelings. If you are not feeling that way, it may be a good time to try to connect with your inner child to see things through a sense of wonder. Try to let go of pressing thoughts by doing or appreciating a simple pleasure, something that brings you joy… in doing so, you may even discover a new passion; or at the very least remember what it feels like to be a kid again.
Relationships: If in a relationship, you may find that your partner sends you a heartfelt message that brings a smile to your face, or as a couple, you may receive news of something that brings you joy. One or both of you within the relationship may be seem like a kid at heart; lighthearted, kind and loving by nature. You may enjoy doing simple, sweet things together. I Also see this as attitudes within the relationship. There is an emotional connection between the two of you based on love, which is wonderful; however it is important to remember not to become emotionally needy of one another, or to act childish in your needs. You should both have interests and friendships outside of the relationship as well so as not to rely solely on one another for your emotional fulfillment. If there have been any issues within the relationship, it is advisable to look at your situation from a mature view, as this may be one of you getting your feelings hurt over something unintentional. “Yes, he loves you; no he is not responsible for your every need”. It may also be advisable to bring some lighthearted fun into your relationship to reconnect emotionally.
For singles, you are discovering the feelings of love. There may be someone who you are admiring from afar. I get the “ he is so dreamy” vibe here, so if you like someone it may be time to let them know. Chances are there that they like you too. If it is not you who is currently crushing on someone, it appears that there is someone in your environment who may be secretly crushing on you, but hasn’t gotten the nerve to approach you yet.
Business/ career: As a message you may find you hear news of an emotional nature at work. This is a great omen if you are waiting for news of a promotion or a new job as this message will most likely make your heart smile. There is a suggestion of lightheartedness within the work place so you should feel a friendly connection with those around you, even if at times they act somewhat childish. You may be daydreaming of the perfect career or have dreams of opening your own business in something that you are passionate about. If this is the case, you must look at your dreams from all perspectives . There is a good omen that this can become a reality if you incorporate the practical steps necessary…. Dreams in your visions will stay only dreams until you start to take the steps towards them.
Feelings: Lighthearted, joy, things that make your heart sing or touches your heart. Can be wonderment of beauty
As advice: connect to your inner child- do something fun, and lighthearted.Listen to your intuition, discover your dreams, feel the feels. Make a kind connection with someone.
As a negative: Acting too childish, possibly emotionally needy. Daydreaming without practical action taken. Could be news of an emotional nature which is upsetting.

The knights of tarot are the fire element of the courts- action or events. They are acting on the ideas or foundations from the page. They are the young adult aspects/ attitudes of the courts.
While the page is the light hearted sweet child and the dreamer; the knight becomes the Romantic. In this stage the young dreamer has matured to where he wants to go out and offer his love into the world. He would be a kind, polite young man who is considerate of others. He would like to have fun and enjoy life, being happy go lucky, but might not be quite the risk taker of some of his wands type friends. He is the friend that will do anything for you. He will offer to be the DD on nights out, the peacemaker if things start to get tense in a situation, and the one that will gladly sit and listen when you need someone to talk to. He might be a bit of a Casanova and the ladies will certainly love his charm and sincere presentation. Since this fella tends to follow his heart, the possibility is there that he can at times seem like the hopeless romantic. He might tell you about the 5th love of his life in as many months and be hurt or frustrated when this one isn’t what his ideal of love was. He may at times seem moody or might jump to conclusions quickly, seeming to be sensitive to comments that may be made only in fun.
Knight of Cups: The Romantic: An event of an emotional nature: usually positive or exciting. Acting on love or passion: acting on bringing a relationship or dream/ goal/ inspiration into being, Follow your heart, lead with heart, kind, compassionate ,sincerity, sensitive. Follow your dreams.
- Something of an emotional nature is happening, usually of a positive, exciting nature
- Acting on a love, weather it be relationship or dream/ passion goal
- Attitude: a kind, compassionate, and sincere individual, may withdraw or seem to be moody at times, may seem too sensitive at times.
General: You are following your heart in some manner, whether in your love life, in a dream or goal you have for the future, or doing something you are passionate about. There is the possibility of a heartfelt event that you may attend, or at the very least coming in contact with someone who is kind, compassionate and sincere. You may be displaying some of these qualities yourself. You may also be surprised by how in tune your intuition seems at this time.
Relationships: if in a couple, you can rest assured that you only have eyes for each other and this relationship is based on love, so if there has been any concerns or issues within the relationship it is important to look at the situation in a manner that can see all sides, not what may be a quick emotional reaction or jumping to conclusions. As a couple, you may be embarking on something that is near and dear to your heart, attending happy emotional events together such as engagements, weddings, or baby showers. Likewise, you may find you go out on a romantic date. Treat each other with kindness, compassion and sincerity. For singles, there is an indication that your Mr Romantic is on his way. You will be well pleased by his gentlemanly charm and sincere ways… he will bring a level of excitement that sets your heart to flutter.
Business/career: Overall, I feel that it may be an offer being made that will appeal to you on an emotional level, so see this as a good omen if you are looking for a new job or a promotion within the workplace. Perhaps you and your coworkers find that you are doing something to beautify your work environment and have a sincere, kind attitude towards each other. Likewise, since the knight of cups is a peacemaker, you may find that if there are any grievances or issues in the workplace that you are the one acting as the peacemaker between co workers. Following your heart is indicated, so if you are not emotionally fulfilled, it may be urging you to start looking for options that will bring emotional happiness, possibly in the form of going after your dream job.
Feelings: excitement, “ heart fluttering”, positivity, happiness.
As advice: Follow your heart, lead with your heart showing kindness, compassion and sincerity.
As a negative: being too sensitive. Jumping to conclusions. Being too idealistic that may see through those rose colored glasses. Possibly moody. In relationships, I could see a negative that possibly your Mr Romantic is more of a casanova—telling you sweet nothings only to serve their own needs? As a negative in business, could point to not looking at the practicality of decisions.

The Queen of Cups is The mature female energy of the passive, female water suit. The queens are the caretaker energy of the suit , regardless of actual gender, and therefore I read them more as attitudes.
The Queen of cups is the Caretaker. She is a lighthearted, kind, compassionate and sincere person. She is well in touch with her own feelings and usually pretty in tune with the feelings of those around her. She loves things of beauty and most likely finds a calming peace in nature or near water. Although friendly by nature, she would have a smaller group of friends than the Queen of Wands, preferring to connect with people on a deeper level. Those she loves are her priority. This doesn’t mean that she does not care deeply about her friends, just that her time spent is more focussed on her central environment- what she holds dear to her heart. She can come across as lost in her own little world at times, which can make her seem somewhat detached from others. Though this queen will truly listen and care if someone confides in her, she likely seems to have a hard time opening up to people about her own problems. She wants to see others happy and so may have a hard time with boundaries. She may be prone to acting sensitive, or getting her feelings hurt over what to most could be minor jokes or fun., she may be moody, seem sad or get insecure at times. While she is gentle and tries to be a peacekeeper, I wouldn’t suggest messing with those she loves, as this normally mild mannered lady will instinctively know just how to emotionally gut punch you, having you feeling pretty badly for whatever injustice she perceives you did!!.
Queen of Cups: “All Heart”:, the “care taker” Loving female emotionally fulfilled. Cares deeply. A Friendly, lighthearted , kind and sincere female. Leads with her heart. Compassionate, intuitive. May at times seem shy, detached, moody or insecure
Attitude of self or others influencing the situation
General: You may be focusing on something you care much deeply about. You should be feeling Lighthearted, kind, compassionate and sincere. If feeling out of sorts or upset in some manner, you are being urged to lead with your heart. Be kind and compassionate, not only to yourself, but to others as well.
Relationships: You and/or your partner are lighthearted, kind, compassionate and sincere. Your relationship is based on an emotional connection and love. If you are feeling out of sorts or insecure in your relationship, you may want to question the cause of these feelings as it may be possible that you are being sensitive or insecure about something that is not quite as it seems. Though you or your partner likely want to do everything for the other, it is important to remember that you need to maintain your individuality so the relationship does not appear to be smothering to one another… Love truly, but maintain boundaries. For singles, I would think this card is advising you to lead with your heart. It may signify that you will meet someone with these qualities with whom you can have a positive, loving relationship with.
Business/career: You may have a role in where you are kind, and compassionate; or a role in which is otherwise emotionally fulfilling. You may have co workers in whom you share a supportive, kind relationship with. If this is not the case in your current job, you may be being urged to follow your dreams and find something which does fulfill you emotionally.
Feelings: deep love, honest, true, sincere.
As advice: lead with your heart, be kind, compassionate, sincere towards self and others.
As a negative: caring too much, possibly to own detriment by trying to take care of everyones needs without them having individuality ( smothering)- this may lead them to “just let you do it”; moody, too sensitive, selfish in own needs

The King of Cups is the mature active male energy of the suit. His influence is air, so that means he has matured to the point where his emotions may still rule, however he can now logically incorporate thought into his actions. His appearance may signify completion of something of an emotional nature: home and family, work of art, dream or desired goal can be indicated.
The King of Cups is the Gentle Man. He has learned about love and happiness and has accomplished what this means to him. He is kind and gentle, soft spoken and soothing to those in need. He is a family man. He will kindly listen and give sound advice to those in need. He will still be a peacemaker, but that doesn’t mean he is weak, he has just reached a level of control over his emotions that enables him to not react without giving thought to his actions and how that may affect situations. This in part is due to his ability to read people and situations around him quite clearly. He may at times have his negative attributes. Like his queen counterpart, he may seem detached from times which may come across as disinterest, he may act sulky and in the extreme negative could be emotionally manipulative.
King of Cups: Gentle Man, kind, compassionate, sincere, may be sulky or seem detached. Love, deep connection, completion of an emotional nature, balanced mind and emotion
- Accomplished in something of an emotional nature: a dream or a desired emotional goal
- Attitude of self or others influencing the situation
General: You may have accomplished or will accomplish something of an emotional nature which brings you great happiness. There may be someone within your close circle in whom you can trust who will be very supportive of you and may be able to offer kind, sound advice if needed.
Relationships: Your relationship is based on love, deep emotional connections, kindness and sincerity. If anything has been rocky between the two of you, it is important to keep open, honest communication and hear each other out. For singles, you may meet someone who you will connect too on a deep emotional level. This person is the ultimate family man and will treat you like a queen.
Business/ career: This may indicate a role where you are kind and compassionate or need to be a supportive listening ear within the work place, or someone may offer you kind, supportive advice. A suggestion of emotional happiness is present, so if not feeling this way at your current job, you may be being urged to find something in which you feel emotionally fulfilled. If you have any dream job in mind, you have the presence of mind to look at his from a logical manner as well, and I do believe this is a good omen that you can accomplish what you set out to do, you may be offered advice or support from someone who has already accomplished something similar.
Feelings: very balanced, in tune peaceful
As advice: Be kind, compassionate, sincere: a good listener. Make decisions based on emotion and logic combined. Be supportive of those around you. Trust advice or support from those around you. Be mature
As a negative: Too emotionally controlled, a person who may be manipulative in some manner. May be too soft?
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