Ace of Cups

Key words: connection, compassion, new feelings

The aces always represent new beginnings,  and with the Ace of cups, this new beginning involves the heart. Feelings are first and foremost as the Ace of cups indicates a connection. You may forge a new connection with another person, your intuition, or even a new and exciting feeling in regards to finding something that makes your heart sing. This ace advises to act  from a place of love and compassion.

If reversed, there is no connection and the heart is closed off. Feelings of disappointment or a strong upset may be present. 


Two of Cups

Key words: union; sharing, mutual, healing

Feelings are shared when the two of cups makes an appearance showing that a connection  is mutual. Love or a common understanding may be relevant. Happiness and contentment in within self and with those in your environment is indicated. In some situations, the two of cups can show a healing is taking place. 

If reversed, there is an upset in the balance of emotions. Not being on the same page as another. Unhappiness within current environment.



Three of Cups

Key words: celebration, crowd, emotional growth/progress, social occasions

It’s Celebration time!! Put on those dancing shoes, cause its time to PAR-TAY! You may find you are getting together with friends or family and having a great time, or a night out on the town. A happy occasion is suggested, so you may have something special to celebrate such as a promotion, new job, or a personal success. You may also be attending an engagement party or baby shower.

Reversed, Something doesn't go as planned, and so there is no celebration on the horizon.  This can also imply an issue with a friend, or even too much partying.

Four of Cups

Key words: Discontent, boredom, "flat",

There seems to be a general sense of boredom, or overall dissatisfaction with an area of your life which is causing you to miss important things that could be right in front of you.  This simply could be a case of going back to the same old routine after having fun times or a deeper sense of dissatisfaction with every day life. It’s possible that you may be dissatisfied with progress made on a project which is important to your heart.   While day dreaming can be beneficial at times, different doesn’t always mean better. Remember to take stock of what you are grateful for and use this inward focus to see what it is that YOU can change. 

When reversed, you actually see the cup being offered. Areas have been considered and you have an idea of action to be taken.

Five of Cups

Key words: Disappointment, grief, sadness, a focus on the negatives

  There seems to be a disappointment,  sadness, or regret in your life.  At this time, you are focused on the upset and are unable to see that there is a way forward.  Depending on your circumstances; if this is a minor upset in your life, you may need to just go with the flow and move on. There are opportunities for growth that you just are not seeing right now.  That being said, if there has been a major life change  causing this, and your sadness stems deeper, know that you do not need to do this  alone. There  are people around who can assist you.  

When reversed, change is taking place and a way forward is becoming more clear

Six of Cups

Key words: past, memories, kindness, simplicity

In general, the 6 of cups implies harmonious, sweet feelings, so if there have recently been any upsets, you may find that those feelings are replaced with happier ones.  The past may be on your mind,  so you may find yourself reminiscing, about someone or something from the past, or very literally running into someone you used to know, or who reminds you of the past in some way.  Simplicity is key right now. Remember the feeling when a child picks a dandelion and it is the best gift ever? That kind of sweet, innocent simplicity or act of kindness may brighten your own day, or that of another.

When reversed, there is a sense of being stuck in the past. A focus must become on the present.

Seven of Cups

Key words: options, imagination, day dreaming, wishful thinking

There may be an area of your life that has some different options on the table  making it hard to choose. To prevent becoming emotionally overwhelmed, try to be realistic and look at the situation with logic and practicality- one step at a time.   Like wise, you may find that you are doing a lot of day dreaming or wishful thinking in an area of your life. While this can be good in order for to make positive change, fantasy can only get you so far. You will need to look at the situation logically in order to take  the practical steps needed to move forth one way or the other.  

When the 7 of cups reverses, a choice is made, however, keep in mind that this may allude to options taken off the table!! 

Eight of Cups

Key words: Moving on, leaving behind, escape

A choice has been made to move on from a situation or ideal that you had previously needed to look at from all inner perspectives.  In some cases, this can be a relief as it is indicated that this situation may have been something worked on for some time.  In other cases, the transition may not be easy and will require emotional strength to go find what lies ahead.

Reversed: coming back to give it another try. 

Nine of Cups

Key words: wishes, satisfaction, happiness, enjoyment, good times

The nine of cups is the classic wish card and a very positive omen. Something that you have worked towards and hoped for is coming true. You are happy and very satisfied and may be enjoying good times with those close in your life. 

When reversed, the 9 of cups can become blocked. There is a need to focus on inner fulfillment. There is an element of dissatisfaction. What are you wishing for instead of taking practical action on? In some instances, the 9 of cups reversed may point to wishing for something that is not good for you in the bigger picture of life or " too much" .


Ten of Cups

Key words: fulfillment, happily ever after, complete, family

You should be feeling very happy and grateful for the abundance you have in your life at this time.  If there has been a dream that you have been diligently pursuing, congratulations, you have succeeded and should be well pleased.  Those close to you will join in your celebration, and likewise, you will be grateful for the love and support they have offered you along the way and  be happy to share in your good fortune.  Family is very central at this time along with a sense of stability and commitment.

When reversed, this may not be quite the ending you thought it would be. A period of introspection may be needed. At time, this can indicate an upset in the home sphere. 

The Cups Court Cards

Cups people are kids at heart, lighthearted, social but may be shy or seem detached, have a smaller “circle” , kind, sincere, compassionate, gentle, imaginative, creative, intuitive.  They may seem too sensitive  or childish at times, can appear to be in their own world, may seem moody. They are the peacemakers, and generally may try to avoid conflict if possible.

Connected to the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, these people have a strong intuition,  connection to their feelings and inner world.  

More in depth characteristics of the Cups can be found on this blog post:  Understanding the Cups Court Cards

Note: For the Court cards, I did not include reversed meanings here as I feel it can bring in confusion. A helpful hint, is to consider a reversed card to imply more negative aspects of the card,  to imply that the upright characteristics may be needed, or that there is a block in some manner to the representation of the card


Page of Cups

The pages are the messengers of tarot.   In this page is the foundation of dreams, love,  and happiness.  The attitude of a kid at heart: a kind, light hearted, loving person.

The page of cups is the immature aspect of the suit. The Earth element, or the foundation to build upon.

Page of Cups:  The kid at heart:  message of an emotional nature, innocent love, the idea for a dream,  discovering love or a passion, A heartfelt idea, open your heart, young love, inner child. A kind, lighthearted, loving person.


  • The page of cups is a message of an emotional nature.  This is usually positive in nature and may make your heart swell
  • The page of cups is discovering emotional fulfillment, discovering love or your dreams.
  • Attitude: A kid at heart: child like wonder, lighthearted, sweet, sincere. May have a childlike idealism, or get feelings hurt easily. Sensitive.


General:  A message may be received that makes your heart smile.  This may be a sweet message from another, or a  lighthearted feeling that touches your heart from hearing or seeing something in those around you that makes you say “awwww”.  There is an air of  of light heartedness that accompanies these feelings. If you are not feeling that way, it may be a good time to try to connect with your inner child to see things through a sense of wonder.  Try to let go of pressing thoughts by doing or appreciating a simple pleasure, something that brings you joy… in doing so, you may even discover a new passion; or at the very least remember what it feels like to be a kid again.


Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups:  The Romantic:  An event of an emotional nature: usually positive or exciting. Acting on love or passion: acting on bringing a relationship or dream/ goal/ inspiration  into being, Follow your heart, lead with heart, kind, compassionate ,sincerity, sensitive. Follow your dreams.


  • Something of an emotional nature is happening,  usually of a positive, exciting nature
  • Acting on a love,  weather it be relationship or dream/ passion goal
  • Attitude:  a kind, compassionate, and  sincere individual, may withdraw or seem to be moody at times, may seem too sensitive at times.


General:  You are following your heart in some manner, whether in your love life,  in a dream  or goal you have for the future, or doing something you are passionate about.  There is the possibility of a heartfelt event that you may attend, or at the very least coming in contact with someone who is kind, compassionate and sincere. You may be displaying some of these qualities yourself.  You may also  be surprised by how in tune your intuition seems at this time.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups:  “All Heart”:, the “care taker” Loving female  emotionally fulfilled. Cares deeply. A Friendly, lighthearted , kind and sincere female. Leads with her heart. Compassionate, intuitive. May at times seem shy, detached, moody or insecure


  • Attitude of self or others influencing the situation

General:  You may be focusing on something you care much deeply about. You should be feeling  Lighthearted, kind, compassionate  and sincere.  If feeling out of sorts or upset in some manner, you are being urged to lead with your heart. Be kind and compassionate, not only to yourself, but to others as well.


King of Cups

King of Cups: Family Man. Gentle Man, kind, compassionate, sincere, may be sulky or seem detached. Love, deep connection, completion of an emotional nature, balanced mind and emotion


  • Accomplished in something of an emotional nature:  a dream or a desired emotional goal
  • Attitude of self or others influencing the situation


General:  You may have accomplished  or will accomplish something of an emotional nature which brings you great happiness.  There may be someone within your close circle in whom you can trust who will be very supportive of you and may be able to offer kind, sound advice if needed.



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