Ace of Swords
Key words: Clarity, triumph over own actions, "aha" moment, new idea, breakthrough
The new beginning the Ace of swords brings is clarity of thought or new ideas. This is a very ideal card to receive when trying to get a mental breakthrough over some tough situations. This may present an idea that will need to be acted on
In some instances, especially if this involves interactions with others, this sudden clarity can enable you to make snap decisions for the best outcome as you will clearly be able to see the truth for what it is. If you have been waiting on news of some sort, it should be forthcoming swiftly.
When reversed, no options or clarity in a situation is forthcoming.
Two of Swords
Key words: Indecision, stale mate, on the fence
You may be feeling confused or have trouble making a decision. You may need to wait until you have more information on the matter so you can weigh your options carefully as there may be two sides to each choice. Speaking of 2 sides, it is also important to see things from another’s point of view in your communications with others as you may find differing views to the same situation coming into play.
When reversed, a decision has been made. However, keep in mind that this energy may have you burying your head in the sand!
Three of Swords
Key words: upsets, hurtful words, stormy emotions, heartache
There may disappointment or sadness in your life at this time caused by any number of reasons; from not getting a raise to missing someone; from feeling lonely to angry words. Expressing how you are feeling in order to release it can be very therapeutic, let it out in order to move on.
When reversed, a sense of healing from something painful is indicated
Four of Swords
Key words: rest, recovery, break
Time for a break. Use some much needed “You time” to focus on taking care of yourself. If you have not been feeling well, or overall have been busy or stressed out, take this time to focus on yourself and replenish. You may even find that you don’t want to be around anyone else, and that is A-Ok!!
When reversed, break time is over and it is time to get back on track. It may be time to act on whatever ideas you have been considering.
Five of Swords
Key words: conflict, stress, short sighted thinking, "shady as f**k"
Not cool behavior is indicated, either your own or from those around you. If a situation arises through your own doing, keep your temper in check and act with integrity towards yourself and others as a selfish victory now is not worth it in the long run. If another is the cause, stand up for yourself if you must, but try not to get involved just for the sake of arguing. A situation may arise in which you don’t know all of the facts, so you may find yourself being a little on guard until the truth comes out.
When reversed, the 5's actually present in a more positive light, with the 5 of swords being no different bringing Tension averted or an end to conflict
Six of Swords
Key words: calm waters, return to calmer thoughts, moving on with ideas, transition
There is a sense of overall calm and positive movement. Travel may be indicated, however, this may be more symbolic of movement towards a goal or peace of mind. If there have been any conflicts things should start to calm down and evolve in their own time.
When reversed, you may be heading back into conflict or self defeating behaviors. Try to calm your thoughts as you have already been down this path before.
Seven of Swords
- Key words: mental strategy, betrayal, caution, tip toe, keep it to yourself
Definitely a card to read in context with others!!! I have had this card and the Tower ( traditionally these two could indicate a horrible situation), turn up when a surprise party was being planned!! See?????? The so called “negative” cards do not always indicate something horrible, though, unfortunately, they CAN. Read in context of what else you see happening in the spread.
General: You may have a problem that needs to be solved. Think it over, as careful planning can result in this going your way. If you are coming up with future plans, it might be best to keep it to yourself at this time.
When reversed, everything is out in the open.
Eight of Swords
Key words: Stuck, restricted, hand are tied
You may be feeling restricted or stuck in a situation at this time. Watch the direction of your thoughts as negative thinking can hinder you from seeing the solution. There is a way forward. It might be best not to take any action at this time until you see another perspective. If feeling isolated, a friend may be able to offer insight that you currently don’t have, reach out.
When reversed, you are starting to draw upon your mental strength to see your way out of a situation
Nine of Swords
Key words: anxiety, up at night, worry
There is an overall sense of stress or worry, possibly even keeping you up at night. There is a possibility that this situation is not quite as bad as it seems, and you are merely overthinking. Keeping that in mind, depending on your situation, if this situation is truly as stressful as it seems, just know that the situation is drawing to a close and there is promise of a new day when things will become clear again.
When reversed, you may be starting to face your fears.
Ten of Swords
Key words: overkill, talk to death, over it
There may be a situation in which ends on the disappointing side. While we all get upset and frustrated when things don’t go as we would like, remember that it can only go up from here. If, unfortunately, something truly is is bad as it seems right now, know that this period will not last forever, tomorrow is another day.
When reversed, I tend to see this card as rising above a situation
The Swords Court Cards
Swords people are smart, logical and good communicators. They can be very social, however are just as comfortable with their own company doing activities that engage their minds.
Connected to the Air signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, their general attributes are smart, perceptive, trustworthy, from witty to well spoken, strong, problem solver, focused thinkers. The Brains.
May at times seem zoned out or lost in thought, stressed, may seem negative and can come a cross as cold. Will be direct and words can actually be pretty cutting.
More in depth characteristics of the Swords court card can be found on my blog here
Note: For the Court cards, I did not include reversed meanings here as I feel it can bring in confusion. A helpful hint, is to consider a reversed card to imply more negative aspects of the card, to imply that the upright characteristics may be needed, or that there is a block in some manner to the representation of the card
Page of Swords
The Page of Swords: The pages are the messengers of tarot. The foundation of an idea, but may also indicate something in which you need to focus on or figure out. The attitude of a smart, perceptive trustworthy individual.
The Page of sword is the immature person of the suit. The earth element-or the foundation to build upon.
The Thinker. A young or young at heart person who is smart, perceptive and curious. They may at times seem to zone out because they are thinking or can seem to get very serious, or blunt. If describing a child, this is the one who will curious about everything
Page of Swords: The Thinker. A message in which makes you think. This could be in the form of an idea or important news. A lot of times, these can indicate a delay or notification a problem which may need to figured out. An idea which may need studied or thought about for the future. , thoughtful, focused, gossip, conflict, study, serious
- The page of swords may be a message that brings a delay, disappointing news, or news of a situation that you need to think about.
- The page of swords is an idea which may need researched or thought out for the future.
- As an attitude, a young or young hearted individual who is smart, perceptive and curious. May seem witty or blunt.
General: an important message may be received that can bring delays, disappointment, or something in which you may need to think about. There is a focused feeling that may accompany this, so it could be an idea in which needs to be researched.
Knight of Swords
The knights of tarot are the fire element of the courts- action or events. They are acting on the ideas or foundations from the page. They are the young adult aspects/ attitudes of the courts.
Even though the swords suit also deals with communication, I see the knight of sword more as the strong, somewhat silent type… only because he is not going to “talk about it”, he is going to DO it. He is air and fire: quick thought leading to quick action. Bold and fearless.
Knight of Swords: QUICK, things happening fast, fearless action, bold, direct, chaotic, intense, under pressure, roll with it, self belief, may be impatient, grab opportunities
- Big changes, Something happening quick, may seem chaotic
- Grabbing opportunities: Act fast and jump in fearlessly with self belief
- attitude: An intense, direct individual who sweeps in like a tornado
General: something may happen rather quickly, and may even seem chaotic so you may need to roll with the changes. If you have had any ideas that you have been researching, things could pick up rather quickly!! Grab opportunities and jump in fearlessly and with self belief. This my signify an attitude of yourself or another individual you may encounter who is an intense, direct individual who sweeps in like a tornado.
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is the mature female energy of this powerful male energy suit.
The queens are the caretaker energy of the suit , regardless of actual gender, and therefore I read them more as attitudes.
The Queen of swords is a strong, independent woman. Well spoken and extremely perceptive, She can see situations from different angles and can tell you what you need to hear- straight and to the point. This woman, though kind, will have no quells about being direct, especially if she feels it’s something you need to hear.
Queen of Swords: strong, independent woman, logic, truth, and integrity are important. May seem to have two sides: witty and logical to semi- bitchy and critical
- Attitude of self or other influencing the situation.
- Being honest about what you want.
- nurturing ideas
General: It may be wise to focus on truth, logic and integrity at this time. Be strong and independent in your views if warranted; however, make sure only the force necessary is delivered in mundane matters so as to not come across as rude!! If you run into someone being a bit too direct, their advice or interaction may be warranted, and most likely helpful; however, if they are merely being bitchy, just be strong enough in your own rite to not be easily offended.
King of Swords
The King of Swords its the mature masculine energy of the suit. He is air on air, which makes him very logical to the point of being able to completely shut out his emotions. His appearance in a reading may indicate that you have learned all you need to about a subject and can now put it into action.
The King of Swords is the ultimate calm, cool and collected in any situation type man. He values principals and integrity and therefore takes any responsibilities seriously. A trustworthy friend, he has a keen perception to give sound advice; though he may come across as stern or cold. He keeps his emotions under lock and key—-he feels there is a time and a place for affection. He is the type to “give it to you straight”.
King of Swords: calm, cool and collected. “just the facts”, logical, honest, self disciplined, clinical, stern, impersonal, cold, serious, calculating ; structure, routine
- A calm, cool and collected individual who may seem impersonal, clinical or cold
- Accomplishing learning all there is to know in a situation-logic over emotion
General: The energy of a calm, cool and collected individual is indicated, either in your own attitude, or that of another. Logic over emotion is called for at this time. If you have been researching something, it may be time to look at this situation from a logical perspective, as you have learned all you need to about this situation and can now put what you have learned into action.
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A 3 card past, present and future tarot reading based on the intention of what does the client need to know now. A heavy focus of this reading is the present moment. Why? Because it allows action for the future. We can't control the past, but present perceptions can help set the course for our future. We are here to support your journey
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