Understanding the Swords Court Cards

Published on 19 January 2025 at 23:17

The court cards of tarot represent people…aspects of yourself or others who may be influencing situations.  Their personalities are based on the suit they inhabit.  We are a mix of all, however the traits of the suit can specify the attributes that we see in others, ourselves, or offer advice on the traits/ attitudes that we should adopt in certain situations.

The swords of tarot are the THINK-ers.  They are the activities of the mind, our mindset.   How we think, how we perceive situations, communicate with ourselves and others. As feelings they are: clarity, the “aha” feeling when you get insight, focus, truth, concentration,  seriousness, rationalization, confusion, anxiety, fear, turmoil

Swords people would be smart, logical and good communicators.  Since this suit deals with perceptions, they of course would be very perceptive.  Very good at problem solving as they can separate their emotions from a situation and concentrate- think it through. Their perceptions would enable them to see a situation clearly actually making them pretty intuitive as well. As I think they would process all information quickly….TRUTH—they know the truth when they hear it most likely instantaneously ( the “AHA” momments). These people would be good with numbers, organization and anything mentally stimulating.  They would look for the truth in matters, and may have a lot of ideas for the future.

Communicating,  I think with their quick minds, they could be very witty in communication, and may come across as having  “dry humor”, or sarcastic humor. They would be knowledgable and someone with whom you could have quite a bit of good conversation with—-I think they would be interesting. This is a powerful element so they would be strong; mentally and could be physically… Since we are dealing with the swords suit ( double edged); they may be prone to over thinking, may be critical, of themselves or others.   Words are honest, though at times may be “cutting” because they may not take emotions into account —“honest to a fault”. Rationalization can be good, OR be used to rationalize their own actions in a negative manner.

The swords family would have no time for drama. In a sense that they are the best problem solvers and can be trusted to help with a real problem,  giving sound and well though out advice…..however their logical part would be able to let them see through any crap to say it as they see it. Meaning , if someone is acting overdramatic about petty things, the swords people would have no problem telling them straight and to the point how they are acting. They speak very truthfully and direct which may be taken as kind of bitchy, or cold. In the negative, we know that the swords may be very critical of themselves, or overthink things to the point of anxiety… this is when their minds get cloudy and confused. Since they are great thinkers, they can solve problems in a positive way, however, these minds are the ones who can get away with things because they can be cunning. Their communication can range from rather witty to down right cutting

Overall, I believe the Swords family are smart, perceptive and trustworthy people who like to talk, If it suits them. They would be interested in many serious topics.  These people would be those that you would seek out for advice; not only because of being perceptive on their own, but if they don’t KNOW the answer, they will try to figure it out. They would have witty comebacks, possibly a sarcastic or “dry” sense if humor, and like to talk about a variety of subjects, which you will find they know quite a bit about, because if it interests them, they will look into it. These people would be comfortable in a group, however, they are just fine independently as that mind of theirs allows them to zone in  on whatever they want, in order  to occupy themselves.  On the downside, you may find that at times, they tend to overthink or can become  critical of themselves or others.  Communication can be almost too direct to the point of “cutting”.  Liking to talk can turn to gossip or rumors, and they may seem impatient with others, or insensitive. On the same hand… these people could completely blow the other way….Becoming super quiet or analyzing. If they are focused on on something mentally ( something they are “solving”)… they can be completely in their  own heads. You may also find, if their focus happens to be on YOU…. You will feel as though they are literally studying you, maybe even figuring out what makes you “tick”.

In friendships and relationships,  I think they would just be themselves, and would expect you to be as well. Not that they don’t care about you, but these people are not going to be the ones that feel the need to be “up your ass” all of the time. They will like to talk and socialize, and spend fun times with others; but they  will also be content to do things on their own:  it would depend on what their focus was on. They would trust that you know they are true to you and EXPECT  the same from you.  In relationships, they can be very mentally stimulating and conversations will range from witty fun conversation which will make you laugh, to serious world problem situations in which their perception is so clear on that they will tell you about the “dumb asses” who can’t see through it.  They will love you truly and be protective of you.  They will be the ones who try to solve all of your problems, however, they will not tolerate what they perceive as drama nonsense. In older age, these people will still have a very active mind, reading current events and discussing them with others. I think they would retain that thirst for knowledge as well as be able to look at things from their logical perspective.  Your relationship would be based on trust, open communication and lots to talk about as you would each have your own interests and continue to be interested in what each other had to say, I would think this would be a very companionable and enjoyable way to spend your later years as these people aren’t impressed by looks so much as loving your mind and just simply, loving you for who you are. They will enjoy telling you their views while also  listening intently to you, after all, this relationship was based on mutual trust and you each retaining your individuality at the same time: you captured this persons attention over and over again… and they may even marvel over that fact.

Keeping in mind that no one is perfect, even these thinkers have negative attributes.  Since they are problem solvers, if there is a situation they cant’t figure out, they may overthink to the point of anxiety.  Since they can’t figure it out, they may get very critical of themselves with negative self talk or in how they communicate with others. Since they are the “problem solvers” they may get too stressed out thinking that it is their duty to take care of a situation and may not reach out for help themselves. They may be prone to zoning out simply because they are in their heads thinking over something. Their perceptions even when crystal clear may have them not mincing words.. they will say what they think and it may not be in a very gentle way. Usually very honest to a fault themselves, they will not tolerate someone doing anything shady or perceived shady to themselves and can turn off their emotions completely,  lashing out verbally to physically if the need arises. They will not tolerate back stabbers or forms of injustiice and can cut you out of their lives without a second thought if they feel as though you betray their trust.  These people may at times come across as gossips, smart assess (which can be good or bad, depending on if you can take or laugh at  sarcasm),  and sometimes as loners. In a very extreme, they may seem a Bully type.


** Helpful hints.


Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. General attributes: smart, perceptive, trustworthy, from witty to well spoken, strong, problem solver, focused thinkers. The Brains. May at times seem zoned out or lost in thought, stressed, may seem negative and can come a cross as cold. Will be direct and words can actually be pretty cutting.


The Page is the foundation: The thought or idea you may need to research,  a new way of thinking.  Important news.

The knight is the fire: acting on thoughts or news, may involve grabbing the opportunity or making a quick decision….taking bold action “one way or the other”-something happening fast-may be chaotic

The Queen is the emotion: the care given to this situation-the focus required in this instance

The King is the accomplishment or completion: the complete logical attainment: you have learned all you can from this, know all about it, can shut off emotion on this and DO IT. Skilled in this.

For a brief and to the point overview of the Swords Court, you can click HERE or read on for an in depth discussion of each Sword Court Card and what their appearance may mean in a reading.


The Page of Swords: The pages are the messengers of tarot.  The foundation of  an idea, but may also indicate something in which you need to focus on or figure out.  The attitude of a smart, perceptive trustworthy individual.

The Page of sword is the immature person of the suit.  The earth element-or the foundation to build upon.

The Thinker.  A young or young at heart person who is smart, perceptive and curious.  They may at times seem to zone out because they are thinking or can seem to get very serious, or blunt.  If describing a child, this is the one who will curious about everything, the one’s who will ask you questions that make you struggle to come up with an answer because, well….  you DON’T necessarily know the answer, lol.  I am talking “why is the sun in the sky? Or how do the stars not fall? How does the car wash work? well, then, how does the car drive?”, etc. You will wonder how they even thought to ask some of these questions. And notice that their little minds can ponder on this for awhile-at least until the next thing they are curious about catches their attention. You may notice that this young one, though likes playing with others, may opt to go off by themselves to read or do something else that stimulates their minds. They might be very blunt and unintentionally say something that seems mean, but only because they will say it as they see it.  These are the ones, who if you tell them “no” for something will continually ask you WHY NOT, because they can’t perceive any reason why they shouldn’t eat a piece of cake right now even if you just want them to wait until after dinner… WHY NOT!!?? They may even get angry and sulk or could even, at times be the ones to say something such as “meany head”.

Page of Swords:  The Thinker. A message in which makes you think. This could be in the form of an idea or  important news. A lot of times, these can indicate a delay or notification a problem which may need to figured out.  An idea which may need studied or thought about for the future. , thoughtful, focused, gossip, conflict, study, serious


  • The page of swords may be a message that brings a delay, disappointing news, or news of a situation that you need to think about.
  • The page of swords is an idea which may need researched or thought out for the future.
  • As an attitude, a young or young hearted individual who is smart, perceptive and curious. May seem witty or blunt.

General:  an important message may be received that can bring delays, disappointment, or something in which you may need to think about.  There is a focused feeling that may accompany this, so it could be an idea in which needs to be researched. 

Relationships: In relationships, you or your partner may be a young at heart  person who is smart, perceptive and curious and enjoy good conversation together, sometimes bantering back and forth with witty or sarcastic humor.  However, this may indicate a conflict of some sort within your relationship. This may be do to bantering going too far or a situation either from an outside source or within the relationship itself in  which you may need to focus on and problem solve.  If you are waiting for news as a couple, it may be delayed or disappointing at this time, causing a situation that you need to figure out.  Likewise, this may indicate news within the relationship itself that may cause a  type of conflict. For singles, you may meet someone who has probably had his/her eye on you or you on them. This person  seems smart, perceptive, curious and young hearted, You may enjoy a variety of conversation with them. Likewise, if you are waiting to hear back from a perspective date, this may be delayed or disappointing.. however do not jump to conclusions…. They may be focused on figuring something out and will get back to you later… either way, you should hear the truth of the matter.

Business:  In your current role, you may have bright ideas to think about  or doing research into  something in regards to your work, which has your focus at this time.  However, I tend to see this more as news in the work department. If you are waiting to hear about a raise, new position, or new job altogether, I feel this may be delayed or disappointing… there may be something going on within the work environment itself, in which you should be alerted to.  For someone thinking of started your own business, I think this signifies having good ideas that you should go for, however be sure to think this through and do your research.

Feelings: focus as you may be trying to study or figure something out. Could be a clarity to even a level of surprise if you are hearing about something.  Sometimes a quick decision using your perception.  Interest. Feelings would depend on circumstances

As advice: Again, as with the rest of the swords, I feel this advice is best in taken to consideration.  In most instances, I feel this advice would be “watch” as since this may indicate communication: watch in communication with others as you may inadvertently  say something which could be taken the wrong way: starting conflict and vice versa.  If involving ideas, etc: think about it: study, research.

As a negative: gossip, rumors, lies, talking before thinking, delayed or disappointing  news

Knight of swords

The knights of tarot are the fire element of the courts- action or events.  They are acting on the ideas or foundations from the page.  They are the young adult aspects/ attitudes of the courts.

Even though the swords suit also deals with communication, I see the knight of sword more as the strong, somewhat silent type… only because he is not going to “talk about it”, he is going to DO it.  He is air and fire: quick thought leading to quick action. Bold and fearless.  Oh, he likes to talk and can be witty and fun; but he may spend a good deal of time listening I and observing.  Through he will enjoy hanging out with friends, he doesn’t feel the need to do so all of the time; and may turn down a night out with buddies to stay in and do something else that engages his mind… sometimes letting his friends not knowing if he is coming or going.   I feel he is a trusted friend and protective of those he loves and cares about.  He may at times be blunt or react too quick in a manner that seems uncaring.  He may seem impatient or frustrated if trying to explain something or even “snap” at others, if he feels he is “right” or defending his point of view.  This is the one that you want on your side if there are any conflicts!!  He possesses both inward and outward strength, being able to perceive what is happening and take action in whatever way the situation requires. He is not afraid to fight, especially if he feels he is in the “right”. 

Knight of Swords:  QUICK, things happening fast, fearless action, bold, direct, chaotic, intense, under pressure, roll with it, self belief, may be impatient, grab opportunities


  • Big changes, Something happening quick, may seem chaotic
  • Grabbing opportunities: Act fast and jump in fearlessly with self belief
  • attitiude: An intense, direct individual who sweeps in like a tornado

General: something may happen rather quickly, and may even seem chaotic so you may need to roll with the changes. If you have had any ideas that you have been researching, things could pick up rather quickly!! Grab opportunities and jump in fearlessly and with self belief.  This my signify an attitude of yourself or another individual you may encounter who is an intense, direct individual who sweeps in like a tornado.

Relationships: as a couple, you and your partner may have some big changes coming in which things seem to happen very quickly, maybe becoming chaotic. You may  feel under pressure and need to roll with the changes-you can handle it.  Either you or your partner may be strong, intense, direct, communicative.  You may be very busy individuals and life may seem chaotic sometimes which can lead to impatience or frustrations with each other, however depending on your own situation you will see things as they are and act appropriately.  For singles, I feel you will meet someone who sweeps in like a  tornado!! This person will seem very intense , direct, strong and fearless. 

Business/career:  Big changes may be happening within your work environment which may seem chaotic or letting you feel as though you are under pressure. Jump in and roll with the changes. This may signify an opportunity arriving in which you should grab .

Feelings: could be a “rush”,  or excitement…. or could be frustration, or chaos. Hot  (fire) or cold (sword).

As advice: jump in, grab opportunities, be fearless, be bold, be direct, be aggressive

As a negative:  acting too quickly!!:  Rushing, impatient, Fighting just to fight, nasty, conflict,

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is the mature female energy of this powerful male energy suit.

The queens are the caretaker energy  of the suit , regardless of actual gender, and therefore I read them more as attitudes.

The Queen of swords is a strong, independent woman. Well spoken and extremely perceptive,    She can  see situations from different angles and can tell you what you need to hear- straight and to the point.  This woman, though kind, will have no quells about being direct, especially if she feels it’s something you need to hear.  This makes her not always seem  to be the most compassionate, though you will find, sometimes later, that hers were words you needed to hear.  If you don’t want an honest, answer, you might want to reconsider asking—-this woman will not sugar coat anything to spare your feelings. This Queen likes the truth.  She can be witty, fun, and a great conversationalist, but if provoked or feeling the need to defend what matters, she is a force to be reckoned with.  This lady can seem critical at times, and can even come across as bitchy now and then. However, she expects no less of herself than of anyone else and can actually become her own worst critic.

***Personal note:  I think the QOS tends to get a bad rap simply because she is in the suit of challenges and the history of what she predicted seemed to involve life challenges that made her that way.  I feel a persons challenges can make them stronger, wiser, and give them the ability to be their true, authentic selves.  Like all the  cards, a positive and negative aspect can be implied—- it simply depends on what each individual focuses on!!  More Court discussion later.

Queen of Swords: strong, independent woman, logic, truth, and integrity  are important. May seem to have two sides: witty and logical to semi- bitchy and critical

-Attitude of self or other influencing the situation

General:  It may be wise to focus on truth, logic and integrity at this time.  Be strong and independent in your views if warranted;  however, make sure only the force necessary is delivered in mundane matters so as to not come across as rude!!  If you run into someone being a bit too direct, their advice  or interaction may be warranted, and most likely helpful; however, if they are merely being bitchy, just be strong enough in your own rite to not be easily offended.

Relationships: either  you or your partner may be strong, independent and direct.  You may have intense conversations or even debates with one another.  Sometimes this may imply that someone seems critical in the relationship; or may even seem to blow hot then cold…  so remember  to also look to each other with compassion, using that great mind to ensure that any feelings are justified and you aren’t just being a bit bitchy with each other.  As this can signify independence, there may be a need to assess if this independent attitude is helping or hindering your relationship.  It is possible to retain you independence, while also being kind and not letting the other feel as though their presence is not valued.  likewise, this may be a call that you need to take on these qualities yourself in some manner.  For singles, you may meet someone who is strong, independent and direct.  Likewise, maybe you are displaying these qualities yourself or may be quite happy to remain single.  If this is not the case, it is important to not be critical of yourself, but to assess how you come across to others as they may see you as a strong, independent woman and not sure if they should approach. You may seem intimidating to some.

Business/career:  you or someone in your work environment is strong, independent and direct; able to use logic, critical thinking, and communication  for the best outcomes.  I tend to see this scenario as advice as to either take on these qualities yourself, or to trust assistance from someone with these qualities as they will definitely be able to help you. 

Feelings: Tricky one for feelings as it would vary greatly on scenario.  Strong feelings and/ or views.  Could blow warm to cold. Great perception and clarity, to criticism. Very Direct, focused, thinking

As advice: either take on the attributes of this queen yourself, or get support from someone with these qualities

As a negative:  sorry, but you may be being a Class A BE-OTCH, your strong independent attitude is working against you in some manner.  Either you, or someone influencing this situation is critical, downright rude, or meddling in some way





    King of Swords

    The King of Swords its the mature masculine energy of the suit.  He is air on air, which makes him very logical to the point of being able to completely shut out his emotions.  His appearance in a reading may indicate that you have learned all you need to about a subject and can now put it into action. 

    The King of Swords is the ultimate calm, cool and collected in any situation type  man.  He values principals and integrity and therefore takes any responsibilities seriously.  A trustworthy friend, he has a keen perception to give sound advice; though he may come across as stern or cold.  He keeps his emotions under lock and key—-he feels there is a time and a place for affection. He is the type to “give it to you straight” which can make him seem impersonal, or detached.  This does not mean he doesn’t care, he is just able to detach emotionally to focus on the facts.  This may make him seem cold, but he is actually a good family man.  He is loyal, trustworthy and a great conversationalist.  The emotions he keeps personal will relax around family and loved ones allowing for a strong, physical, emotional and mentally stimulating partner.  He wont’t be the one to kiss in public or give soppy love notes; but he will take his role  as a family man seriously. 

    King of Swords: calm, cool and collected. “just the facts”, logical, honest, self disciplined, clinical, stern, impersonal, cold, serious, calculating ; structure, routine


    • A calm, cool and collected individual who may seem impersonal, clinical or cold
    • Accomplishing learning all there is to know in a situation-logic over emotion

    General: The energy of a calm, cool and collected individual is indicated, either in your own attitude, or that of another. Logic over emotion is called for at this time.  If you have been researching something, it may be time to look at this situation from a logical perspective, as you have learned all you need to about this situation and can now put what you have learned into action.

    Relationships: Either you or your partner may be a calm, cool and collected individual who likes structure and routine.  The relationship should be built on trust , physically and mentally stimulating. This may also signify that you are taking emotion out of your relationship at this time and thinking it through from a logical l perspective.  For singles, you may meet someone with the attributes of the KOS.

    Business: Since I tend to read first person; I feel this may mean that you need to look at your work from a logical standpoint.  This may also signify that a person in your work environment may be calm, cool and collected, however may come across as stern or impersonal.  This person may be able to offer you advice in some manner within the workplace

    Feelings:  strong focus, keen perception

    As advice: look at this situation from a logical viewpoint. Could be that you have learned all you need to in this situation so start applying it. Get advice from an expert.

    As a negative: shutting out emotion all together, cold, calculating, mind games


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