Full Wolf Moon

Published on 13 January 2025 at 19:37

The Full Wolf Moon

Also called the Cold Moon;  comes in the cold, long nights of winter when it used to be believed that the wolves would howl out of hunger...

In reality, wolves are adapt to the long winter nights and the howling that was heard in the stillness was merely their communication. As pack animals, wolves know the importance of social bonds, intuition and the power of emotional bonds. 


Winter time brings with it a natural cycle of going within. As some animals hibernate, I find settling in my home with a cozy fire right up my alley. Full moons are excellent times to check in with yourself.  The moon has been proven to affect the tides of the ocean, and we are made up of mainly water. There is definitely truth to hearing people say "is it a full moon?' when odd things happen. It has the power to heighten our intuition, but can also cause fluctuating emotions where imagination can run high.  When worked with, though, these energies allow us a chance to withdraw from our hectic lives and find solace in natures beauty.  

This full moon falls in Cancer, another emotional energy. Cancerians, just like the moon, are the intuitive and creative, but at times can run on pure emotions. One way to work with this energy is by going within to see how your emotions may be affecting you and making the conscious effort to plow through any difficulties with self discipline. Honoring your emotions, without letting them overwhelm. 

People honor the full moon in many ways. It is important to forge your own connections. Some tend to think that they MUST do something, when in reality, It comes down to your own well being and what feels right to you.  Some choose to use this energy to charge their crystals under the moonlight, while others will set out a cup of water to be drank in the morning. Others will meditate, while some will perform rituals. The important thing to remember is that you can do any of the above; or none at all.... and thats ok.  If you are interested in learning, however, the following suggestion is a way to provide some self care on a cold winters eve....

With the energy tying to emotions, I find a self care ritual offers a bit of relaxation with some quiet check in time. 

For this simple ritual, I like to use an herbal milk bath. For tonights herbal bath mix, I chose powdered milk, pink himalayan salt, dried thyme and lavender and a couple of drops of frankincense and clary sage essential oils. I put this in a muslin bag, but if you don't have one of these, a sock will work as well!!

I chose these ingredients as I have been working with thyme a lot this week and wanted to incorporate it's purifying energy along with the relaxing and cleansing energies of lavender, sage and frankincense. For an herbal bath, You simply enjoy soaking in the tub and allow your mind to clear. Nothing matters at that moment other than simply relaxing and letting any stress flow from your body and literally down the drain. 

If you need a bit of an oomph to help you concentrate, you can recite something simple  to help clear your mind and connect with why you are doing this...  

" Thyme purifies my space,

lavender calms my active mind.

Relaxing at this pace

taking time to find.

Down the tub the stress will go

As i said it, so it will,

to be replaced with Faith and peace

with nurturing so still. " 







As a bonus, this article contains Full moon Tarot mini's for your sign

Aries: The Devil: Remember this energy makes things not as they seem. The heaviness you feel is due to needing a break to replenish some fun in your life. A burden you are carrying is not yours to shoulder. 

Taurus: 6 of wands reversed. Hold up a second and think this through before you act to make sure it is in your best interest as well as for those in your environment.More light needs shed before taking action.

Gemini: Justice: doing the right thing, yet in this image swords are crossed. There are 2 sides to every situation so make sure to be fair about what your thoughts tell you. Things are as they are supposed to be at this time.

Cancer: 10 of swords: at this time you are over it, for sure, exhausted and over thinking. Taking time to gain clarity will help to find the silver lining,

Leo: Plans are coming together nicely. Your ship soon will be coming in. Further planning will be required moving forth.

Virgo: King of Pentacles: Hard work is certainly paying off. Keep in mind though life is not all work and no play

Libra: 2 of swords: you are undecided just yet about moving forward with an idea. Listen to what the feels department is telling you to consider all sides. Remember, there is no rush and sometimes, you just need to wait for clarity.

Scorpio: King of Swords: Logic and reason allow for the. best course of action.

Sagittarius: Temperance- moderation is key. An integration is taking place after some changes. Be gentle with yourself

Capricorn: 4 of swords: Rest recovery and self care. Don't be afraid to step back and take a break when needed. 

Aquarius: Hierophant: you are learning important aspects and the difference between going with the crowd and going your own way.  There is no need to question your own beliefs even though at this time things seem out of wack

Pisces: Ace of Pentacles:  You are ready to manifest a goal into reality and the opportunity arises to do so. will you take it?

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