Pork and Sauerkraut traditions

Published on 1 January 2025 at 06:32

I don't know why, but I always thought that eating pork and sauerkraut was a way for a good old fashioned cleanse on the New Year!! This year, I got curious and looked a bit deeper into the symbolism behind this tradition. 

I live in Pennsylvania, but never questioned if the tradition was just here or more of an all over type of concept.  According to what I could find on my friend, Google, This tradition started in Germany and was brought over to the US by settlers. In our community, at least, the PA Dutch have kept this alive, and it is a widely known and practiced tradition for bringing in the New Year,

Basically, pork is symbolizing the way a pig "roots" forward in order to move forth in the coming year; while cabbage is small and green bringing in a symbol of wealth and prosperity. 

But wait; There's more.  The Number 7 runs deep in my veins, meaning, I can't let it go at just that. A deeper we will go here!!  Lets dive deeper into the symbolism and why we enjoying this meal helps with a clean slate overall.

I have always liked pigs in general, We have raised them in the past and I have tea towels, knick knacks, etc, with them on. I am heavy into symbolism and "signs" so you would think with the affinity I have with liking these animals that I would have a bit more self knowledge developed. I do Not, however, and so I scoured the net, coming to Whats my Spirit Animal.com (source).  What a shock I got with this paragraph!! 

"Also, remember, Pig does not care what others think. The creature doesn't worry about who sees how smart they are or whether anyone acknowledges its intelligence. Pig just keeps plowing forward, living life, and enjoys all its simplicities."  

This is a concept I have been looking into. Just being myself and not worrying about what others think. Learning to keep moving forward versus going back over any foundations already in place. 

As the new year arrives, we can let an end come to the old. Let the past be the past and simply keep moving forward to enjoy life. 

Sauerkraut comes from fermented cabbage and has been eaten for its pro biotic benefits.  Trying to nail down this little number proved to be a bit more challenging than I anticipated for symbolic purposes and so I needed to have a think and see.   When you connected it to the color, It reminds me of pentacles in tarot, so I can see the abundance connection rather easily, in that. Breaking it down further, I can see that when cut, as in sauerkraut, or cole slaw, etc, the many pieces made from the whole point to all the layers that go into it. When looked at from that view, I can see how prosperity and abundance truly are symbolized in this round little head of growth. 

Not gonna lie, I love sauerkraut, but it always makes me have a quick date with the potty. I think thats why I kind of associated it with a new year cleanse. According to Verywellhealth.com (source),  Sauerkraut contains probiotics to assist in overall gut health, along with many other healthy benefits; however some may experience some undesirable effects of eating fermented food.

Ahhhhh well... I will be enjoying some today anyway!!

So friends, that was a quick overview, but wishing all a Happy New year. Keep rooting forward and enjoy the little things, knowing that layer, by layer, it's the small things that add up to prosperity and abundance. 

and I will be Lovin me some kraut today.


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