As 2024 comes to a close with a brand new year on the horizon, we are simultaneously experiencing a black moon phase. A 2nd new moon for December is thrown into the mix setting the stage for not only releasing the past of 2024, but bringing powerful intentions to get shit done in 2025!
For this ritual, we are going to release stagnant energy and then follow up immediately with intentions to utilize this black moon energy for a clean slate.
So lets get started, shall we??!! Before we begin, please note that this writing is simply for ideas if you wish to incorporate ritual work and may be unsure of how to start. Use these thoughts as guidance only and listen to your own intuition!! That is the beauty of it and how magick happens.
As 2024 comes to a close, get clear on what you are clearing out this year. Take some time to reflect on your year and what is no longer working for your highest good. This may be a behavior, a way of thinking or a bad habit. It could be an unfulfilling job or state of being that you wish to let aspects go in order to understand changes or actions moving forth. If you are stuck and uncertain, the following ideas may help you formulate in words what you wish to release:
- If you have Tarot cards, this is a great time to break them out to assist in getting the juices flowing
-Put pen to paper and just start writing!!
-Look into clear glass, a cup of water or to the sky and just let your mind wander to see if any insights make themselves known.
-Believe it or not, taking a few minutes to look at a picture, or even a meme on facebook may jog some sort of reaction that may be significant.
For instance. I used the Illuminated Tarot and focused my intent by asking what it was that I needed to put to rest this year. I got the 8 of Clubs, a card of repetition. As I tuned into the energy, I noticed how the figure seemed to be moving one small and insignificant piece over and over again to her liking. My revelation was to let go of feeling that things need to be perfect before moving forth. Once you get your revelation, write it down in as few short words as possible to get it condensed. Put all of your feeling into it. As you are condensing, put the words " I Am releasing" in front. So... " I am releasing the need to be perfect in my knowledge" " I am releasing focusing on the things that need tweaked verses the strong foundation already in place."
You get the gist!! As you are saying these things, something should resonate very loudly to you. This will be the focal point. The important thing here is to focus, but do NOT stress on feeling as though you aren't doing it right!!! ( hint, hint... which could actually work out in itself to something that needs to be released).
So now that you have identified what it is that you will be releasing, try condensing by writing it in one or a few words on a bay leaf. For Example: " Extreme focus on mundane". "Repetition". or " un-needed structure"
In a fire safe dish, you are going to burn this bay leaf while saying with intention what you are releasing. Make this part truly your own. You can simply say that you are releasing "XYZ". You can make a poem. You can think it in your mind. You can simply focus on the words as they burn.
For an added oomph, you can ensure the ash is completely out and dump it into your right hand to be blown out of your front door, thus blowing out of your space the remnants of what you are releasing. Otherwise simply disposing in another safe manner is also valid.
** Note, if you do not have bay leaf, simply write on a small piece of paper and burn in the same manner.
For this particular ritual, we are simultaneously releasing utilizing the energy of the end of a chapter and the start of another, but also bringing in intentions with the new moon, a black moon which heightens the energy of a clean slate.
Our focus in now going to switch to drawing in.
This theme will most likely follow very closely with what you released. For instance, say you released a behavior of pessimism that seemed to be fraught with self limiting beliefs. Now, in order to bring in a fresh wave of positive thinking, you may want to do something with intention to help bring this into the new year.
Remember, this is your baby!! Do what feels right to you!! You could do a craft project such as as a blessing ball or jar to focus on in the coming year that has items that correlate to your intent. If you like working with crystals, you may want to place sun stone in an area that you see often to remind you of the positivity of sunshine, happiness and gratitude. Or maybe you like to journal. A picture of a goal. anything that makes you focus on what it is you wish to cultivate this coming year.
Once you have set your intentions and know what it is you would like to bring in to the new year, done one of the above suggestions, or wrote down your intentions; finalize this ritual with an herbal tea such as thyme and mint tea to simultaneously purify and energize. Add 1 spoonful of honey to sweeten the deal.
Don't like tea? No worries!! Coffee , juice, or drink of choice is just fine!!
No honey? Sugar, sweet cream, or even just a visualization will do the trick!!
Let steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Stir clockwise.
"3 times 3, I let things go
3 times 3 my magic flows.
3 times 3 my intention comes to me.
As I say it, so will it be."
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